
Tanglewood sign

Alabama has a rich heritage of abundant biodiversity and natural resources. The ~567-acre Tanglewood Biological Station is a facility that supports biological research, preserves the Tanglewood estate as a plant and wildlife sanctuary, promotes natural resource education at The University of Alabama and to the public at large, and preserves the Bishop family home and its historical content as a heritage site for the citizens of Alabama.

Located in Hale County, a 45-minute drive south of campus, Tanglewood provides a space for observing environmental change, training the next generation of scientists, continuing training of practicing educators and natural resource professionals, and engaging the public in science and discovery of the natural world.


The 474-acre Tanglewood Estate was gifted to The University of Alabama by Alma Bishop Williams in 1949. Primarily a forested tract, the property also includes the Bishop family home, memorabilia, and historical documents. It was the intention of Ms. Williams that the property should be developed as a plant and wildlife sanctuary and biological research station.

In addition, Ms. Williams wanted the property to be an educational resource for the citizens of Alabama of all ages and preserved as a memorial to her aunt, J. Nicholene Bishop. In 2012, the university built a classroom facility on the property. Recently, two parcels of land were purchased to enhance the property, which increased its area to ~567 acres.

Tanglewood is a member of the Organization of Biological Field Stations.